Winter Does Turn to Spring

Barbara Perkins sitting in chair wearing white dress | IBWPPI
From The Desk of President Barbara A. Perkins

For the past 14 years, I have written this message to you with the intention to keep you informed and engaged in the work of the International Black Women's Public Policy Institute. It has been a message from my heart and generally a message steeped in excitement about what the organization is doing to make life better for women and families globally. This April message is no different. I want you to read about our continued works, projects and programs, goals, and desires for uplifting women and girls at home in the United States and beyond, throughout the Caribbean, and the continent of Africa.

It is not breaking news to you that the times we are witnessing are complicated and challenging for all of us in some way. The sting of death, loss, destruction, inflation, and unexpected hardships, for countless millions, has impacted us mentally and physically. I too am among those who have to push through the chaos and set an intention to rise above the noise and strong winds of life.

As a trained professional working in spiritual wellness for more than two decades, this season we are in has been the most challenging in my lifetime. The personal losses, the struggle to remain hopeful, the disappointment in watching the breakdown of civil society, the enormous greed and disregard for those who need help, the state of homelessness in America, and the exaggerated level of violence, have impacted me and brought disruption to my own happiness.

I am motivated and determined not to forget that I am not alone in these struggles and these times of instability. You too are not alone! If like me you have bouts of inner sadness, and times, when you feel like nothing you are doing is making a difference, pause and think of perhaps one small thing you might have done for someone, such as provide a meal, or made a telephone call that broke the cycle of loneliness for someone, or contributed to a group cause that changed the circumstances of others, as you have done with IBWPPI. You, indeed, my friend, may have been the springtime in someone else's life. Take comfort knowing that your blessing became a blessing for someone else.

Winter does turn to spring. Be encouraged by the fact as you continue to set your intention to remain in Joy, even when things around you appear to be different.

Thank you for continuing to be on this journey with us as we fulfill the mission and vision of IBWPPI. With you joining us, we are truly making a positive difference in the lives of many.


Barbara A. Perkins

Congratulations, Your Future is Bright!

IBWPPI’s multiple projects in Kumasi, Ghana includes supporting the Sunday Morning Girls and the Academic Programs created through the work of Bridge To Africa Connection, Inc. a nonprofit 501(c)(3) dedicated to empowering women and children. BTAC is changing one life at a time, says Madam Dawn Sutherland, who is also a member of IBWPPI’s Board of Directors, residing in Kumasi, since retiring from an executive position at Xerox Corporation.

If you wish to help us with this program, go to our website for details and on how to make a donation. Sending a new girl to school with all the supplies needed for one year cost approximately $500. However, no amount is too small and we thank you in advance!


Congratulations President Perkins!
President’s Letter of Recognition

The 46th President of the United States of America, Joseph R. Biden, Sr., recognizes President Barbara A. Perkins for her dedication to volunteerism.

“Documenting over 4000 hours of volunteerism resulted in receiving one of the highest recognitions in the United States for a civilian with a heart for service. This is an important and special project of love,” says Dr. Kim Client Long of the Lowcountry Rice Culture Project.

Barbara A. Perkins is an Executive Leadership Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Author, Lecturer, and Multi-faceted Business Woman with 30+ years working in human and organizational development. Her compassionate and purposeful leadership has had a transformational impact across public and private sector landscapes.

Barbara accepting The President's Volunteer Service Award | IBWPPIShe is co-founder of the Los Angeles African American Public Policy Institute (LAAAWPPI), creating an endless pipeline of women prepared for public office. Since first launching in 2002, there have been more than 350 graduates of the LAAAWPPI Program with a growing and impressive list of appointed and elected leaders.

In 2009, Barbara invited policy expert, Ka Flewellen, to join her in co-founding the International Black Women’s Public Policy Institute. (IBWPPI). She is currently serving as President and CEO of the organization, where she is guiding the operations of the organization representing seven countries and eleven major cities across the United States. The talents of this trail-blazing woman, mentored by women whose legacies she amplifies have been noticed by Governors, Mayors, and elected leaders, who appointed her to multiple leadership and service positions in the State of California. Exceptionalism has been the brand of Barbara A. Perkins.

When she is not working on one of her endeavors, she is spending time with her husband of 37 years, retired Fire Captain, Stanley Perkins, her adult children, and grandson.

How Would You Like to Join Our Team?

In the midst of so many changes in the world and the consequences of Covid-19, IBWPPI has grown and expanded our reach. We are looking for new team members who are excited about working in the Policy and Humanitarian space. We are seeking a Programs Manager, Communications Manager, Social Media Manager and a Finance Officer. All positions are part-time and 1099 consultants. Please send an email to if you are interested.


Message to Membership

IBWPPI invites you to either join or renew your annual membership with us as we begin the New Year. Join as a new member or renew your membership online.

Even in the midst of a two-year Pandemic, IBWPPI has not faltered in our mission to connect and advocate for Black women globally through our programs and initiatives. We have continued our support of the Cordelia-Sutherland Birthing Center in Ghana, the Sunday Girls, the Reading Room Initiatives, and our Boots on the Ground projects. Your membership is vital to the success of all these programs and so much more.

I would like to personally invite you to renew your membership today.

Thanks from your Membership Director, Kathlyn Adams Seay

Why Join IBWPPI?

IBWPPI started in 2009 in the spirit of global unity and sisterhood. Our mission is to connect and advocate for Black women globally through acts of kindness and public policy. We thank our members and ask that you continue your support of IBWPPI and ask others to join us.

Winter Does Turn to Spring

Barbara Perkins sitting in chair wearing white dress | IBWPPI
From The Desk of President Barbara A. Perkins

For the past 14 years, I have written this message to you with the intention to keep you informed and engaged in the work of the International Black Women's Public Policy Institute. It has been a message from my heart and generally a message steeped in excitement about what the organization is doing to make life better for women and families globally. This April message is no different. I want you to read about our continued works, projects and programs, goals, and desires for uplifting women and girls at home in the United States and beyond, throughout the Caribbean, and the continent of Africa.

It is not breaking news to you that the times we are witnessing are complicated and challenging for all of us in some way. The sting of death, loss, destruction, inflation, and unexpected hardships, for countless millions, has impacted us mentally and physically. I too am among those who have to push through the chaos and set an intention to rise above the noise and strong winds of life.

As a trained professional working in spiritual wellness for more than two decades, this season we are in has been the most challenging in my lifetime. The personal losses, the struggle to remain hopeful, the disappointment in watching the breakdown of civil society, the enormous greed and disregard for those who need help, the state of homelessness in America, and the exaggerated level of violence, have impacted me and brought disruption to my own happiness.

I am motivated and determined not to forget that I am not alone in these struggles and these times of instability. You too are not alone! If like me you have bouts of inner sadness, and times, when you feel like nothing you are doing is making a difference, pause and think of perhaps one small thing you might have done for someone, such as provide a meal, or made a telephone call that broke the cycle of loneliness for someone, or contributed to a group cause that changed the circumstances of others, as you have done with IBWPPI. You, indeed, my friend, may have been the springtime in someone else's life. Take comfort knowing that your blessing became a blessing for someone else.

Winter does turn to spring. Be encouraged by the fact as you continue to set your intention to remain in Joy, even when things around you appear to be different.

Thank you for continuing to be on this journey with us as we fulfill the mission and vision of IBWPPI. With you joining us, we are truly making a positive difference in the lives of many.


Barbara A. Perkins


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