Join Us in Our Global Engagement Work During Black History Month

From The Desk of President Barbara A. Perkins

Happy Black History Month! It’s a time for us to reflect on not only the achievements of our trailblazers in the African Diaspora, but their sacrifices and deep commitment to the freedom struggle to make our world more equitable for all. Let us celebrate the heros and sheroes that are both well-known and unsung for their scientific, cultural, economic and artistic contributions in the world.


As we leap into what I am calling the year of the Black Woman, the International Black Women’s Public Policy Institute (IBWPPI) has a few significant highlights to share. We’ve moved into new and expanded office space in Southwest Atlanta and welcomed two new staff members. Erica Bass-Flimmons, Ph.D. , has joined the team as our Executive Director, and Stacie W. Fujii has joined as our Senior Policy Advisor. Please join me and the Board of Directors in welcoming them both. We look forward to their leadership.


Ending Black History Month, we are focusing our efforts on a goal of bringing in 200 new members to IBWPPI. We need your help; please share our newsletter with friends and encourage them to join our efforts to connect with Black women globally.


If you have not done so already, we ask you to consider renewing your annual membership as February is Membership Recruitment Month! Don’t miss out as we have so much in store with our international work, and the establishment of our new Global Engagement Committee, which we will be asking you to participate in. This year IBWPPI will be represented at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (Session 64) in New York City on Thursday, March 12. More details are included in the newsletter.


Thank you for your membership and your support. Would you let me know what we can do to support you in your personal and professional endeavors?


Please join us on this new journey and feel free to drop by our new offices when you’re in town. We’re located at 1629 K Street Suite # 300 Washington, D.C. 20006.


In Peace,

Barbara A. Perkins

We’re Returning to Atlanta for the 2020 IBWPPI Planning Retreat

We are excited to welcome IBWPPI Board of Directors and members back to Atlanta for our 2020 Retreat and Planning meetings on February 28 th through March 1 st . This will be a weekend of empowerment and community building!

We will begin with a Friday evening reception and celebratory gathering and on Saturday at noon we will host our Key Influencers Luncheon. This is where local women are invited to share the afternoon with members of our board of directors visiting from other countries and major cites in the US. If there are members in Atlanta who are interested, please reach out to us for more information.

The events will take place at the Omni Hotel at the Battery Atlanta located at 2625 Circle 75 Parkway, Atlanta, GA, 30339.

IBWPPI Launches New Global Engagement Committee

With the vision of connecting and advocating for Black women and girls through acts of kindness and public policy, IBWPPI has established the newly formed Global Engagement Committee (GEC). The committee will operate under the auspices of the Board of Directors and will have representation from women in IBWPPI’s network of countries to develop and implement strategic goals.

The committee will form IBWPPI “circles,” which are networks of women in separate geographical locations (countries) who embrace the vision and mission of IBWPPI. The circles will increase engagement among women who are committed to the advancement of the organization through their active membership and the local application of the IBWPPI’s strategic initiatives and 4 pillars: 1) Human Trafficking 2) Economic Security 3) Health and Wellness 4) Education.


What will this look like in practice?


Our target countries are the Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Ghana and Haiti. We have bold objectives to increase IBWPPI membership by 20% of women in the African Diaspora, increase our capacity building for local projects such as the “Reading Room” and “Boots on the Ground,” and mentor Young Ambassadors, who are the next generation of global leaders.

Stay tuned for more updates on this committee. If you have questions or want to get engaged in the GEC, please email .


Commemorating the Second Anniversary of the Reading Room in the Bahamas

IBWPPI recently celebrated its 2nd anniversary of the Reading Room in Nassau, Bahamas at the Lillian G. Weir-Coakley Public Library. President Perkins traveled this month to visit and meet with Director of Libraries Dorcas Bowler and the staff to learn about the progression of the Reading Room and observe how community members are utilizing the space for their benefit . She was joined by Director Coralie Adderley, Project Organizer Delerice Mackey and IBWPPI US staff member Valarie Walker. A plaque to commemorate the grand opening of the space designed by Director Cynthia Heard and Reading Room Initiative Chairperson, was presented to the library.

The Reading Room is a quiet space set up in the library where individuals of all ages can read and study. Ms. Perkins has had a special connection with the library because she visited frequently throughout her childhood. The Reading Room initiative promotes leisure reading as a key to unlocking a youth’s full potential and helps to foster a love for reading amongst children. IBWPPI has already established Reading Rooms in Ghana and Bermuda. In the summer, our team will be traveling to South Africa to establish a new Reading Room for children and adults.

While in the Bahamas, President Perkins, had an unscheduled conversation with the Honorable Prime Minister Hubert Minnis and was able to share with him details of our work in the Bahamas including the ongoing recovering efforts from Hurricane Dorian. We look forward to continuing our engagement in the country and working towards the long-term restoration of the Bahamian people.

President Perkins presents a plaque to Director of Libraries Dorcas Bowler
President Perkins and Director Coralie Adderley presents a $500 check to a survivor of Hurricane Dorian


Volunteer Opportunity: Health Research and Policy Working Group

IBWPPI will be leading a working group that will collectively identify issues of importance as it relates to Black women’s health. If you are a subject matter expert or would like to help research or identify resources related to maternal mortality, mental health, cancer, or other health issues, email .

An invite for our introductory virtual meeting will be sent in the next few weeks. This working group is open to everyone who has an interest.


Welcome to Our New Staff

Erica Bass-Flimmons, Ph.D.
Executive Director

Dr. Bass Flimmons will oversee the day to day operations, lead the team in implementing the goals and objectives set by the board of directors and guide the organization’s development plans.

Stacie W. Fujii
Sr. Policy Advisor

Ms. Fujii will provide expertise in policy development, organizational strategy and global engagement.


Membership Recruitment Mont

As we continue to adjust to the new normal, we want IBWPPI to be a home for Black women who want to connect, heal and support one another. C onsider gifting yourself with a free membership and joining a network of global Black women. Become a member today by filling out the membership form here .

Why Join IBWPPI?

IBWPPI started 10 years ago in the spirit of global unity and sisterhood. Our mission is to connect and advocate for Black women globally through acts of kindness and public policy. We thank our members and ask that you continue your support of IBWPPI and ask others to join us.

Join Us in Our Global Engagement Work During Black History Month

From The Desk of President Barbara A. Perkins

Happy Black History Month! It’s a time for us to reflect on not only the achievements of our trailblazers in the African Diaspora, but their sacrifices and deep commitment to the freedom struggle to make our world more equitable for all. Let us celebrate the heros and sheroes that are both well-known and unsung for their scientific, cultural, economic and artistic contributions in the world.


As we leap into what I am calling the year of the Black Woman, the International Black Women’s Public Policy Institute (IBWPPI) has a few significant highlights to share. We’ve moved into new and expanded office space in Southwest Atlanta and welcomed two new staff members. Erica Bass-Flimmons, Ph.D. , has joined the team as our Executive Director, and Stacie W. Fujii has joined as our Senior Policy Advisor. Please join me and the Board of Directors in welcoming them both. We look forward to their leadership.


Ending Black History Month, we are focusing our efforts on a goal of bringing in 200 new members to IBWPPI. We need your help; please share our newsletter with friends and encourage them to join our efforts to connect with Black women globally.


If you have not done so already, we ask you to consider renewing your annual membership as February is Membership Recruitment Month! Don’t miss out as we have so much in store with our international work, and the establishment of our new Global Engagement Committee, which we will be asking you to participate in. This year IBWPPI will be represented at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (Session 64) in New York City on Thursday, March 12. More details are included in the newsletter.


Thank you for your membership and your support. Would you let me know what we can do to support you in your personal and professional endeavors?


Please join us on this new journey and feel free to drop by our new offices when you’re in town. We’re located at 1629 K Street Suite # 300 Washington, D.C. 20006.


In Peace,

Barbara A. Perkins


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