Honorable Paula A Cox

Honorable Paula A. Cox

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Hon Paula A Cox a native of Bermuda, has had varied experience in Government. In November 1998, she was appointed as the first PLP Minister of Labour, Home Affairs, and Public Safety. November 1, 2001, she was appointed Minister of Education and Development.

In 2003, while she was serving as the Attorney-General and Minister of Education and Development, Wheelock College (USA) invited the then Minister Paula Cox to accept an honorary doctorate in Education. In 2009, Dalhousie University invited her to become an Honorary alumnus of Dalhousie University.

Hon Paula A Cox was the Minister of Finance until December 2012. She assumed the Finance portfolio in January 2004, succeeding her late father, the Hon. C. Eugene Cox, CBE, JP, MP.
The Hon Paula A Cox has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from McGill University, and a post-graduate Diploma in International Law from Manchester University.

She is a UK trained Solicitor and a member of the Bermuda Bar. Hon Paula A Cox was the Founding President of the International Women’s Forum (“IWF”)-Bermuda Forum, and serves on the international board of the IWF and currently chairs the IWF President’s Council and has just been elected to a third term on the global IWF Board effective Jan 2018.

Hon Paula A Cox is a member of the Council of World Women Leaders. In March of 2018, the Hon Paula A Cox accepted the invitation to join the selected board of Advisors for the International Black Women’s Public Policy Institute.

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