McGhee Williams Osse, 2nd Vice President, OH | IBWPPI

McGhee Williams Osse

Burrell Communications

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McGhee Williams Osse is a seasoned marketing and advertising professional.

She is Co-CEO of Burrell Communications Group, one of the leading and most highly regarded multi-cultural advertising agencies in the country with annual billings exceeding $200 million and a roster of clients that lead in their respective categories. Osse became an equity partner in the agency in 1996. In 2004, with a long-time colleague, she purchased majority ownership of the company from founder Tom Burrell. She is credited with starting the agency’s Yurban® marketing initiative, which targets youth and young adults; the introduction and development of the agency’s “account planning” practice, and spearheaded the agency’s formal entry into digital and interactive marketing.

Osse has provided oversight in marketing communications for such global brands as Coca-Cola, Verizon, Adidas, the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Nestle, Tide, Crest, and Olay. Prior to Burrell, she held marketing positions at KFC, the General Mills Restaurant Group, Sears Atlanta Group Advertising, and RTM, Inc.

She was a 2007 recipient of the Chicago Minorities in Business Leadership Award, and in the same year, received the inaugural “Advertising Legend Award” from the ADCOLOR™ Industry Coalition for outstanding professional achievements. She has been recognized by Ebony Magazine for outstanding leadership in marketing communications, by Rolling Out Magazine as “One of Nine African-American Business Executives to Know,” and was a 2009 Board Room Bound Honoree. In 2010, she was honored by the National Alliance of Market Developers and the Black United Fund of Illinois.

She is highly regarded as an active and outspoken advocate in the industry and has served on numerous boards and committees. Her strong concern and sense of community keep her active with the Partnership for A Drug-Free America, the Clear Channel Community Board of Advisors, the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research, and Medical Wings International.


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